Thursday, March 22, 2012

New York sure to test Tebow, on and off the field |

More about Tim Tebow coming to the New York Jets:

"Tebow has had a large and fervent following since his days at Florida, and as much as the two national titles he brought to the program, he drew people in because of his Christian faith. He is hardly the first player to name-drop God or kneel in prayer amid the chaos of a game; Jeremy Lin, New York's most recent fad, makes no secret of his Christian faith, either.

But Tebow is seen as more outspoken, more passionate. As appealing as that is to some, it's a turnoff for others, and there is very little middle ground to be found.

As much as been made about Jeremy's Lin's public statement of faith, it's usually a simple "Thank God" rather than the full-blown unilateral religiosity of Tim Tebow. That's what makes him different and more uncomfortable to listen to.

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