Thursday, July 24, 2014

'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Is Easily One Of The Summer's Best Movies | Business Insider

Neat review from Business Insider Singapore. I guess the review embargo is only domestic or in effect only until midnight of the local time of the reviewer since this was posted at 12:56AM on July 25th in Singapore. Here's one blurb that will get people to go back and watch the end credit scenes from all the previous Marvel films until this point:
"...the film brings together what we’ve seen in a lot of end-credits scenes. Knowing that, we won’t say what the big reveal is yet — you’ll know it when you see it— but there is a very satisfying cameo that has been in the works at Marvel for some time that we were ecstatic to see on screen."
I assume they're talking about this guy:

LeBron James Redemption (Frank Caliendo as Morgan Freeman)

How awesome is Frank Caliendo's Morgan Freeman impression?

A Bunch of Clever ESPN SportsCenter/Guardians of the Galaxy Crossover Spots

ESPN CreativeWorks came up with a handful of really nice Guardians of the Galaxy spots featuring ESPN anchor Kenny Mayne that look very much like ESPN's 'This is SportsCenter' commercials.  I guess it helps that Disney is their corporate overlord.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Listen To The Kickass 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Soundtrack and Watch the Ad for "Galaxy Getaways" Travel Service

The Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack was released earlier this week and it's fantastic! I'm curious to watch how these songs flow with the movie since these are all 60's, 70's, and 80's classics but the movie is about aliens and space.

Also, a very funny viral video was released today for a fake travel service called "Galaxy Getaways", talking about how Hawai'i, Tahiti, and the Bahamas "look like s#!t" compared to the rest of the galaxy: